
This is the process of infusing pigment into the skin to simulate the appearance of natural hair. it is considered a tattoo, and permanent makeup. although it is considered permanent makeup, it fades over time. Touch-ups are suggested once a year in order to keep the color fresh and shape precise. Microblading is meant to be a subtle natural enhancement, and to create fuller more beautiful brows. It looks most natural on clients who already have semi full brow hair, and are wanting to perfect their shape. The more hair you have, the more natural it will appear. MIcroblading heals best on young, healthy, and dry/normal skin. Oily skin and aging or thin skin is not recommended for microblading. Results will not heal as well, or look as natural. If you are in this category, you would be a better candidate for the combination or ombre brow.

This is the process of infusing pigment into the skin to simulate the appearance of filled in brows. This is perfect for clients who are perfectionists!! combination brow is done with hair strokes at the head of the brow, and then the rest filled in. This is a beautiful look for all skin types, and heals very soft and beautiful.

Cosmetic tattooing is designed to fade over time. factors such as skin type, lifestyle, age, metabolism, medications, and pigment color affect the longevity of the tattoo. The sun and some kinds of lighting (tanning beds) can affect the rate at which these pigments are broken down. To take care of your brows follow the aftercare instructions and touch-up your brows every 12-18 months (as needed). Touch-ups are normal and expected for permanent cosmetics. *Please note that final results vary and cannot be guaranteed due to the nature of skin as it heals. A follow-up appointment is recommended at 4-8 weeks where we can assess your pigment retention and make any changes necessary.*

Topical 5% lidocaine is used to make you comfortable during your semi-permanent cosmetic procedure, however pain tolerance varies from client to client. having the procedure during your menstrual cycle may increase your sensitivity.

You cannot receive semi permanent cosmetics if you are:

If you have reference pictures, please feel free to bring these to your appointment. along with the pencil or powder you are currently using. If you tint your brows you will want to do so 72 hours before your appointment. You must not use retin-a near the brow area 2 weeks before or after the procedure.
You will need to avoid water for 7 -10 days after. This includes excessive sweating, pools, lakes, salt water, and extreme sun exposure, so plan your vacations accordingly!
No botox, fillers, microdermabrasion, chemical peels or anything of the like for at least 2 weeks prior to your procedure, and also two weeks after.
Avoid doing any of these before your procedure - doing any of the following will cause excessive bleeding during your procedure and will hinder your final result!!

In the hours following your procedure your brows will appear much darker and bolder than it will heal due to oxidation in the surface layer of your skin. your brows could also appear warmer in color. You may experience some redness or swelling around the treated area, this typically disappears within 48 hours. Around day 3 you may notice some flaking or light scabbing on the treated area, do not pick at it, doing so can result in loss of pigment in those areas. Brows may appear spotty or patchy until the entire brow has finished healing. You may notice that some areas may appear very light or even to have lost pigment entirely after they have peeled, the epidermis will be thicker causing muting, hiding or diffusing of pigment underneath. The epidermis will normalize over the next 4-6 weeks and softened pigment should appear more clearly on the surface of the skin. At 4-6 weeks your brows will be fully healed. whatever pigment that does not return will be addressed at your touch up appointment or if you’d prefer darker, bolder brows we can always add more color or dimension during that appointment!

Wash morning and night for 7 days with a gentle cleanser! wash within 4 hours of getting brows done. Make sure to wash outside shower. look in the mirror while washing so you can make sure to be extra gentle. only wipe gently in the direction of hair growth, no circles or hard rubbing. Wash with warm or cool water, and pat dry with a clean paper towel.

Yes! All permanent cosmetic procedures require 2 sessions. During your 4-8 week follow-up we can assess your pigment retention and make any adjustments needed. This follow-up also increases the longevity of your semi-permanent cosmetics.

Initial appointments take approximately 2 to 3 hours. This includes the designing process, numbing the area, and semi-permanent cosmetics procedure. Follow-up sessions take approximately 1.5 to 2 hours.

Initial appointments take approximately 2 to 3 hours. This includes the designing process, numbing the area, and semi-permanent cosmetics procedure. Follow-up sessions take approximately 1.5 to 2 hours.

Brow Tinting

If you’re looking for a quick way to enhance your natural brows by giving them a bolder look, tinting is a great option for busy individuals and jet-setters who want perfect, low maintenance brow definition around the clock.

We have several different tint colors and all tints can be left on the brows for various amounts of time to achieve the perfect shade for you. The longer the tint stays on, the darker it will become and the longer it can last on the underlying skin.

Tinting will last anywhere from 2-3 weeks on the hair and 2-4 days on the skin. The length of time that your tinting will last depends on your lifestyle, skin care products, and skin type. The more often you wash your face, the faster the tinting can fade. Other things like sun exposure and harsh skincare products also reduce the time that your tint can last.

Brow Lamination

Brow Lamination is a semi-permanent treatment that realigns the direction of brow hair and creates an instant look of added volume, fullness and fluffiness! Lasting 3-5 weeks, Brow Lamination is a solution for clients with stubborn hair growth, course unruly brows, or brows that do not stay in place. Paired with an optional Brow Shaping and/or Brow Tint, Brow Lamination can work wonders and eliminate the need for daily maintenance, even for clients with existing Microblading or Micropigmentation. This treatment is similar to a ‘Lash Lift’, however, Brow Lamination has been specifically formulated to perfectly shape and set brow hair without over processing, and while maintaining a PH level that remains gentle on sensitive facial skin. Approved by Health Canada, this 3-step system lasts until the brow hairs have completed their growth cycle.

Contraindications include:

* All of the contraindications listed above can affect the integrity of the skin. Being that we are applying a chemical to the skin, the skin needs to meet the requirements in order to execute an ideal result with no irritation.

As the popularity of brow lamination quickly grew, so did the need for specialized brow lamination products. Due to a lack of availability of custom formulated lamination products and the absence of proper training, many artists were resorting to using "lash lift serums" to perm the brow hair.

Although all perms operate using the same basic principles of realigning disulphide bonds, traditional perm and lift formulations vary greatly in terms of ingredients and PH levels. Through research, experimentation and experience with both alkaline and acid formulations along many spectrums of the PH scale, many lash lift serums were much too strong and harsh to be used on delicate brow hair and sensitive facial skin - often resulting in inconsistent strengths, processing times, and even damage to brow hair, irritation on the skin and unsatisfactory results because lash lift products were never meant to be used on brow hair and surrounding sensitive facial skin.

Additionally, it's important to note that using lash lift products on the brow area is considered to be an 'out of box' application, meaning, it is not approved or recommended by respective lash lift manufacturers, making 'out of box' application of lash lift products on the brow hair uninsurable via most insurance providers.

Brow Lamination was created to bridge the gap and provide artists with a specialized brow lamination system complete with customized ingredients and strengths which have been specifically formulated and balanced for use on brow hair. The formula is designed to perfectly shape and set brow hair without over processing, while maintaining a PH level which remains gentle on sensitive facial skin.